
Gasification plant installation. The energy-generating waste recycling technique for ...

Gasification plant installation. The energy-generating waste recycling technique for ...


  • A low-tonnage complex: 2 tons of waster per hour*
  • Multi-fuel technology: up to 230 various types of waste including solid municipal waste
  • Does not require external power resources
  • Does not produce dioxides
  • Modular (container) implementation
  • The area of the unit
ATM-1B: new water treatment technology

ATM-1B: new water treatment technology

The growing scarcity of drinking water across the globe is forcing scientists to take an active role in finding solutions to the problem. According to World Of Clean Oceans researchers, the main way to overcome the shortage is to improve water treatment techniques.

Quantum film: increasing yields with no harm to the environment

Quantum film: increasing yields with no harm to the environment

The consumption rate of modern mankind is steadily increasing. This applies to mineral, water, and other resources. Each year, the number of people on the planet is growing by about 75 million, making it necessary to produce more and faster food. Agriculture is the first industry to meet this challenge. However, in pursuing the higher output, the producers must not forget about the environment. A quantum polymeric film, the innovation developed by World Of Clean Oceans Foundation, is to help raise yields and increase production without harming the environment.

Quantum Screens: A Revolutionary Approach to the Image

Quantum Screens: A Revolutionary Approach to the Image

The world' s leading electronics manufacturers are improving their technology year by year to deliver the clearest, most realistic display possible. Devices created with the use of quantum dots represent a fundamentally new level of image quality while significantly reducing power consumption.

Waste management energy-generating solution for island countries “Clean Island”

Waste management energy-generating solution for island countries “Clean Island”

There are some problems on islands that need to be solved:

  • large quantities of waste on the islands,
  • the inability to deploy facilities in the coastal area.
  • The high costs of energy on the islands.
Green Energy Begins with Information

Green Energy Begins with Information

Renewable energy potential continues to be one of the most widely discussed topics in the business community. Yet many companies seem to be wary of this idea: some of them prefer the good old techniques, while others find the whole concept unprofitable. However, the world experience proves the opposite: not only does the sustainable use of natural resources save the environment but it also makes quite a lucrative investment. This is confirmed by the new developments of the WORLD OF CLEAN OCEANS Foundation.

CO2 freezing and re-formatting into ice crystals

CO2 freezing and re-formatting into ice crystals