World Of Clean Oceans Foundation:
Creating Government Projects for Ecological Development

Today, environmental protection issues are becoming increasingly acute both around the world and in individual countries. On the one hand, people buy and use more and more goods, consuming and causing the depletion of natural resources. On the other hand, the amount of waste products is increasing, which has a negative impact on the environment. This leads to progressive and spontaneous negative changes in the ecosystems in various regions of the planet. Many governments are concerned about the current situation, seeking to develop programmes to restore and prevent environment-related damage. In this particular area, creating solutions requires scientific potential, physical resources, knowledge of the peculiarities of work in terms of legal and ethical standards, etc.

Many governments are concerned about the current situation, seeking to develop programmes to restore and prevent environment-related damage. In this particular area, creating solutions requires scientific potential, physical resources, knowledge of the peculiarities of work in terms of legal and ethical standards, etc.

The World Of Clean Oceans Foundation is willing to contribute to the implementation of public initiatives aimed at protecting the environment in any part of the world.

The priorities of the Foundation's activities are as follows:

  • Preservation of the environment, such as natural ecosystems, flora and fauna. Restoration of deteriorated natural ecosystems.
  • Ensuring the usage of environmentally sound waste disposal methods.
  • Establishment of international alliances to combat environmental problems.
  • Reduction of negative impact on the environment and prevention of new problems.
  • Formation of environmentally responsible economies for finding the necessary means to solve urgent challenges.
  • Development and implementation of sustainable scientific innovations.
  • Scientific and analytical support of eco-security.
  • Improvement in the quality of state environmental monitoring.
  • Enhancement of the techniques for predicting and preventing man-made and natural disasters, as well as climate-change- related events.
  • Establishment of an efficient management system in the area of eco-security and environmental protection, including the coordination and interaction of state authorities.
  • Enhancement of the legal and regulatory framework in the field of eco-security and environmental protection.
  • Ensuring better economic regulation and further development of market instruments in this area.
  • Environmental education and training, fostering of environmental awareness
  • Creation of conditions for increasing the efficiency of citizen participation in addressing environmental issues.
  • Mobilization of commercial and non-commercial organizations, as well as business communities capable of making a positive impact on the overall ecological situation.

he World Of Clean Oceans Foundation is committed to ensuring the implementation of various government green initiatives for environmental protection. The foundation is headquartered in Switzerland but its work extends to all other parts of the world as well.

Thanks to effective cooperation with governments, advanced green technology developers, other foundations, private investors who are interested in solving environmental problems and making long-term investments, we are ready to deal with the complex challenges and guarantee all the necessary assistance in the development of your project.

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